

We especially raise funds for our Water Pumps, Ration Packs, Food Kitchens, Kidney Dialysis, Eyesight, ‘Sadat’ and Build a Mosque Projects.

Until next Muharram Donate to our projects from £25

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In our Muharram Campaign 2024 you provided:

  • £12,000+ Sadaqah Donations
  • £6,300+ Gaza Donations
  • £2,700+ General Fund Donations
  • £1,950+ Zakat Donations
  • Four New Mosques
  • 2,000+ Meals at our Food Kitchens
  • 175 Ration Packs
  • 129 Kidney Dialysis Sessions
  • 88 Small Water Pumps
  • 50 Gifts for Prophet’s ﷺ Family
  • 44 Cataract Operations
  • 30 Goat Sadaqah’s
  • 8 Pumps/Wells Repaired
  • 7 Small Water Wells
  • 6 Large Water Pumps
  • 113 Admin Donations

Over £108,000 Donated
Benefitting Over 10,000 People

Jazakum Allah Khair

During the month of Muharram, we especially raise funds for our Water Pumps, Ration Packs, Food Kitchens, Kidney Dialysis, Eyesight, ‘Sadat’ (Gift for Prophet’s ﷺ Family) and Build a Mosque Projects.

Significance of Muharram

Muharram ushers in the Islamic new year and is a month of great reward and virtue. Muharram itself means `sacred’ and is from those months which have been mentioned as sacred in the Holy Quran.

Abu Qatada (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said that the fast on the 10th of Muharram atones for the sins of the preceding year and Abu Huraira (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) said that after Ramadan, the fasts of Muharram have the greatest excellence.

The Prophet (s) encouraged us to fast during Muharram, especially on the 9th and 10th. The Prophet (s) himself fasted on the 10th, the day of Ashura, and had fully intended to fast the following year on the 9th, but he passed away before he could.

The 10th of Muharram is also a day of great historical significance and the day on which Allah (swt)*

  • accepted the repentance of Hazrat Adam (as) after his exile from Paradise saved Hazrat Nuh (as) and his companions in the Ark
  • extinguished the fire in which Hazrat Ibrahim (as) was thrown by Nimrod
  • spoke directly to Hazrat Musa (as) and gave him the Commandments and saved him and his people and drowned Pharaoh and his people
  • forgave Hazrat Dawud (as)
  • restored the kingdom of Hazrat Sulaiman (as)
  • restored Hazrat Ayyub (as) to health (from leprosy)
  • reunited Hazrat Yusuf (as) with his father Hazrat Yaqub (as)
  • took Hazrat Yunus (as) out from the belly of the fish
  • raised Hazrat Isa (as) to Jannah
  • made the Prophet’s (saw) grandson, Imam Hussain (ra), a Martyr

Battle of Karbala (10th Muharram)

Abbas bin Ali (ra) said to the Kufans: ‘you are torturing young children and infants from the family of the Prophet (saw), not allowing them even a single drop of water so that they would die of hunger and thirst.’**

It is said*

  • Worship Allah (swt) as much as you can on Ashura
  • Whoever clothes a naked person Allah (swt) will release him from a painful punishment.
  • Whoever visits a sick person, Allah (set) will grant him a reward that will not be decreased.
  • Whoever places his hand on an orphan’s head, or feeds a hungry person or gives water to a thirsty person, Allah (swt) will feed him a feast from Paradise and will quench his thirst with Salsabil.

*Mentioned by scholars as the specialties of that day in Ghunya
li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir al-Jilani.
**Excerpts taken from: Excellence of Muharram & Imam-e-Hussain (ra).

Your Generous Support has…

provided clean and safe drinking water to some of the poorest families in Pakistan. This includes building an RO Water Treatment Plant and also installing over 7,000 water-holes and hand pumps in villages throughout Pakistan with thousands of the poorest families benefiting.

Ehsaas also provides daily meals to thousands of people at our Food Kitchens (Dastarkhuwan) and Monthly Rations to needy families in Pakistan.

You can also help provide Cataract Operations and Kidney Dialysis to those who cannot afford treatment.

In addition, we also have a project that provides the ‘Sadat’ (members of the Prophet’s ﷺ Family) with Gifts and, build Mosques in rural communities – providing a place for prayer and everyday community services.

Donate Now

Ration Packs

Ration Packs

Give a month’s rations to a needy family.

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Water for Life

Water for Life

Your generous support has provided clean and safe drinking water for thousands of families.

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Food Kitchens

Food Kitchens

Ehsaas has 5 food kitchens (dastarkhuwan) for the poor and those on low incomes

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Build a Masjid

Build a Masjid

Ehsaas is working to build Masjids that will be the heart of local communities.

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Gifts for Prophet’s ﷺ Family

Gifts for Prophet’s ﷺ Family

There are thousands of members of the Prophet’s ﷺ family who are living below the poverty line but do not ask for charitable handouts.

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Eye Camps

Eye Camps

Ehsaas provides free Cataract operations in the most deprived areas of Pakistan

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Kidney Dialysis

Kidney Dialysis

There is a great need for dialysis in Pakistan with limited availability for those that cannot afford treatment.

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